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Modern India
by William Eleroy Curtis
Publisher: Dodo Press 2008
ISBN/ASIN: 1409917983
ISBN-13: 9781409917984
Number of pages: 307
This volume contains a series of letters written for The Chicago Record-Herald during the winter of 1903-04. From the table of contents: The Eye of India; The City of Bombay; Servants, Hotels, and Cave Temples; The Empire of India; Two Hindu Weddings; The Religions of India; How India Is Governed; The Railways of India; The City of Ahmedabad; Jeypore and its Maharaja; About Snakes and Tigers; The Rajputs and Their Country; The Ancient Mogul Empire; The Architecture of the Moguls; The Most Beautiful of Buildings; The Quaint Old City of Delhi; The Temples and Tombs at Delhi; Thugs, Fakirs and Nautch Dancers; Simla and the Punjab; Famines and Their Antidotes; The Frontier Question; The Army in India; Muttra, Lucknow and Cawnpore; Caste and the Women of India; Education in India; The Himalyas and the Invasion of Thibet; Benares, the Sacred City; American Missions in India; Cotton, Tea and Opium; Calcutta, the Capital of India.
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