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Six Glorious Epochs of Indian History is an English translation of the last work of Veer Savarkar, “Bharatiya Itihasatil Saha Soneri Pane”, which he completed during his illness and old age. This book, is a commentary — not a history in its academic sense — on the significant events and periods in our national life, taking a broad survey of the growth and survival of our Hindu race. In a way this attempt of Savarkar has been singular, barring few honorable exceptions.
The author wanted to translate this voluminous work into English himself, but he could not do so because of his failing health. After it was translated by S. T. Godbole, every chapter was carefully read and approved by Savarkar himself.
The general trend of the Histories, written, read and taught in schools and colleges have been one of eulogizing the foreigners and deprecating the Hindu race, relying wholly on the biased records of the foreign historians and travelers. Savarkar strongly felt the need to reconstruct and restate Indian history from the national point of view. He says, “When our country was smarting under the British sway, many English writers had so much perverted the Indian history and obliged two or three generation of Indian students in their schools and colleges to learn it in such a way, that not only the rest of the world but even our own people were misled. Absurd and malicious statements implying that India as a nation has always been under some foreign rule or the other or that Indian history is an unbroken chain of defeat after defeat of the Hindus, have been used like currency and are accepted by our people without affront or remonstrance or even a formal protest. To refute these statements is essential not only from the point of view of honor of the nation but also for the sake of historical truth. Efforts being made by other historians in this direction have to be supported, as far as possible, by propaganda. That in itself is a national duty. That is why I have decided here to describe the historical achievements of those generations and of their representative leaders who vanquished the aggressors from time to time and liberated their country.”
Savarkar saw the panorama of Indian history in the rise and fall of the Hindus. This concept of history moulded his political thinking and career. How far he has been successful in presenting his point of view is left to the discerning reader.

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