Discussion of IIT JEE A Das Gupta Mathematics Solutions
One of the most comprehensive and best designed books for IIT-JEE mathematics preparation is A.Das.Gupta. One of the top choices of IIT toppers and importantly recommended by highly skilled IIT JEE mathematics experts. IIT JEE mathematics by A Das Gupta carries a high appreciation of not only the questions at the back exercise but even the solved examples and concepts. The concepts mentioned in this book are of grass root level which ought to make you a topic expert.
The gravity of the quality of this book can be judged from the fact that the author of this book A Das Gupta is one of the top mathematics professors of IITs and presently teaching in IIT Kanpur. The A Das Gupta exercise questions are not difficult to solve but have to solved differently i.e. smartly. The A Das Gupta solutions are not a piece of hot cake which can be solved by everyone. Solving A Das Gupta requires extra concentration, skills, smartness and different thinking.
This book has been written keeping in mind the mental skill required during the IIT preparation. IIT-JEE mathematics A Das Gupta solutions not only develops the skills but also overall enhances the thought process of the student and the teachers as well. The solutions of A Das Gupta mathematics is wanted by everyone but unfortunately not available anywhere. Pioneer Mathematics through its expert mathematics team provides complete discussion of A Das Gupta solutions to the students and teachers. These solutions of A Das Gupta helps understand the concepts and logical thinking beiing involved for solving every questions. Students of classes 11th and 12th whose aim is IIT must utilize Pioneer Mathematics discussion of A Das Gupta solutions.
Book Summary of Problems Plus In IIT Mathematics
Problems Plus in IIT Mathematics contains a large number of problems which test the student's ability to apply fundamental concepts in new situations. This is type of problems asked at the JEE (IIT). The purpose of this book is to show students how to handle such problems and give them sufficient practice in solving problems of this type, thus building their confidence. The main features of this book are:
Each chapter begins with a summary of facts, formulate and working techniques. Trick, tips and techniques have been clearly marked with the icon.
A large number of problems have been solved and explained in each chapter.
The exercises contain short-answer, long-answer and objective type questions.
Multiple-choice questions in which more than one option may be correct have also been given.
Time-bound tests at the end of each chapter will help students practise answering questions in a given time.
The book also includes integrated tests, bases on all the chapters.
A chapter containing miscellaneous problems has been given at the end of the book. This will help students gain confidence in solving problems without prior knowledge of the chapter(s) to which the problems belong.
Table of Contents
Each chapter begins with a summary of facts, formulate and working techniques. Trick, tips and techniques have been clearly marked with the icon.
A large number of problems have been solved and explained in each chapter.
The exercises contain short-answer, long-answer and objective type questions.
Multiple-choice questions in which more than one option may be correct have also been given.
Time-bound tests at the end of each chapter will help students practise answering questions in a given time.
The book also includes integrated tests, bases on all the chapters.
A chapter containing miscellaneous problems has been given at the end of the book. This will help students gain confidence in solving problems without prior knowledge of the chapter(s) to which the problems belong.
Table of Contents
- Algebra
- Progressions, Related Inequalities and Series
- Determinants and Cramer's Rule
- Equations, Inequations and Expressions
- Complex Numbers
- Permutation and Combination
- Binomial Theorem for Positive Integral Index
- Principle of Mathematical Induction (PMI)
- Infinite Series
- Matrices
- Trigonometry
- Circular Functions, Identities
- Solution of Equations
- Inverse Circular Functions
- Trigonometrical Inequalities and Inequations
- Logarithm
- Properties of Triangle
- Heights and Distances
- Coordinate Geometry
- Coordinates and Straight Lines
- Pairs of Straight Lines and Transformation of Axes
- Circles
- Parabola
- Ellipse and Hyperbola
- Calculus
- Function
- Differentiation
- Limit, Indeterminate Form
- Continuity, Differentiability and Graph of Function
- Application of dy/dx
- Maxima and Minima
- Monotonic Function and Lagrange's Theorem
- Indefinite Integration of Elementary Function
- Indefinite Integration of Rational and Irrational Functions
- Definite Integration
- Properties and Application Definite Integrals
- Area
- Differential Equation of the First Order
- Vector
- Vectors and Addition of Vector
- Product of two Vector
- Product of three or more Vectors
- Application of Vectors
- Probability
- Elementary Probability
- Total Conditional Probability and Bayes' Theorem
- Coordinate Geometry of Three Dimensions
- Points, Direction cosines and Direction ratios
- Equations of a Straight lines Space
- Planes
- Practice Tests
- (Integrated tests, Objective tests, Screening tests, Main tests)
- Miscellaneous Exercises
- Some New Pattern Problems