Hello Friends..
Over the years, Having read and reviewed a lot of books, here is a list of medical books I find worth reading as an undergraduate, post-graduate or a specialist.
Anatomy – Clinically Oriented Anatomy 6th editionPhysiology – Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd Edition
Biochemistry – Biochemistry (Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews Series)
Harpers Illustrated Biochemistry 29th Edition (LANGE)
Pathology-Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th edition
Microbiology-Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology, Twenty-Fifth Edition, Medical Microbiology (Flexibook) Thieme
Forensic Medicine-Current Practice in Forensic Medicine
Pharmacology-Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 12/E (LANGE )
Ophthalmology-Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach:,7th edition
Medicine-Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine: Volumes 1 and 2, 18th Edition
Surgery-Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17e
Obstetrics-Williams Obstetrics: 23rd Edition
Gynaecology-Berek and Novak’s Gynecology
Pediatrics-Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 19th edition
This list has been prepared meticulously with lot of research and time. If you are a doctor, publisher who thinks a certain title can benefit the reader more than the one listed above, contact us with your claims to have the medical book included in the list.
- Dr.Bhuneswar
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