These are the questions which come to your mind as soon as you decide upon appearing in the CSIR-UGC NET. This particular blog post is dedicated to answering your these questions. If CSIR-UGC NET is new to you, you may also wish to visit my following blog post:
CSIR-UGC NET December 2012 Notification, Eligibility & Forms: This article tells you what are the eligibilities required and how to apply for CSIR NET exam.
CSIR NET Exam Pattern/Question Pattern: This article tells you the pattern/scheme of exam of CSIR NET, with few sample questions.
Lets focus now the topic of this post: Syllabus/Online papers/study materials for CSIR NET.
Download the Syllabus/Sample Paper of CSIR-UGC NET: (Specific to your subjects)
Kindly note that exam pattern of CSIR NET has undergone changes from CSIR NET June 2011 onwards. While there were two papers previously (the paper-II being descriptive), there is only a single Objective type paper from June 2011 onwards. You can know more about the new exam pattern of CSIR NET from my blog article titled: CSIR NET Exam Pattern/Question Pattern.
The sample papers for the new exam pattern would be made available subsequently by CSIR. But till those papers are available on the net, you can go through the following sample papers from CSIR NET website which gives you the sample papers based on previous exam:
Chemical Sciences:
Earth Sciences:
As soon as the sample papers based on the new exam pattern is released by CSIR, I would post them here. So check this blog again later.
Online model/sample papers CSIR-UGC NET from other websites:
I could find following websites worthwhile to visit for online papers:
Recommended books for CSIR-UGC NET:

I found following books on net for preparation for CSIR NET Exam. These books are available in most of the bookstores, but you can also order them online by clicking the links below, from which offers huge discounts upto 25%, apart from free home delivery if the order exceeds Rs. 200/=. You can choose to pay through Credit Card/Debit Card/Internet Banking. You can also choose to pay through “Cash-on-Delivery” i.e. you pay in cash only when the same is delivered at your doorstep:
Books for CSIR-UGC NET Life Sciences:
CSIR-UGC-NET Life Science: 25 Practice Sets (Part A, B & C) by R. Gupta's Publisher: RPH
Cover Price: Rs. 280; Offer Price: Rs. 224/-; Discount: Rs. 56/- (20%)
CSIR-UGC NET Life Sciences Guide by R. Gupta's Publisher: RPH
Cover Price: Rs. 545; Offer Price: Rs. 409/-; Discount: Rs. 136/- (25%)
Books for CSIR-UGC NET Physical Sciences:Cover Price: Rs. 280; Offer Price: Rs. 224/-; Discount: Rs. 56/- (20%)
CSIR-UGC NET Life Sciences Guide by R. Gupta's Publisher: RPH
Cover Price: Rs. 545; Offer Price: Rs. 409/-; Discount: Rs. 136/- (25%)
CSIR-UGC NET Physical Science Exam Guide by R. Gupta's Publisher: RPH
Cover Price: Rs. 500; Offer Price: Rs. 464/-; Discount: Rs. 116/- (20%)
Cover Price: Rs. 500; Offer Price: Rs. 464/-; Discount: Rs. 116/- (20%)
Books for CSIR-UGC NET Chemical Sciences:
Upkars CSIR-UGC NET/JRF/SET Chemical Sciences For Paper-I & II by Hemant Kulshrestha, Ajay Taneja Publisher: UpkarCover Price: Rs. 715; Offer Price: Rs. 677/-; Discount: Rs. 38/- (5%)
The Pearson Guide to UGC-CSIR Chemical Sciences by Dr. Sanjay Singh Rawal; Publisher:Pearson
Cover Price: Rs. 450; Offer Price: Rs. 369/-; Discount: Rs. 81/- (18%)
CSIR-UGC NET Chemical Sciences (Part A, B & C) by R. Gupta's Publisher: RPH
Cover Price: Rs. 325; Offer Price: Rs. 302/-; Discount: Rs. 23/- (7%)
Books for CSIR-UGC NET Mathematical Sciences:
UGC-CSIR JRF/NET Mathematical Sciences Publisher: G. K.
Cover Price: Rs. 295; Offer Price: Rs. 264/-; Discount: Rs. 31/- (11%)
UGC-CSIR NET (JRF & LS) Mathematical Science by Dr. Pawan Sharma Anshuman Suraj Singh Publisher: Arihant
Cover Price: Rs. 695; Offer Price: Rs. 500/-; Discount: Rs. 195/- (28%)
Books for CSIR-UGC NET Earth Sciences:
Joint CSIR-UGC-NET Earth, Admospheric, Ocean And Planetary Sciences Guides by Kumar Surendra Publisher: RPH
Cover Price: Rs. 41; Offer Price: Rs. 319/-; Discount: Rs. 96/- (23%)
Cover Price: Rs. 295; Offer Price: Rs. 264/-; Discount: Rs. 31/- (11%)
UGC-CSIR NET (JRF & LS) Mathematical Science by Dr. Pawan Sharma Anshuman Suraj Singh Publisher: Arihant
Cover Price: Rs. 695; Offer Price: Rs. 500/-; Discount: Rs. 195/- (28%)
Books for CSIR-UGC NET Earth Sciences:
Joint CSIR-UGC-NET Earth, Admospheric, Ocean And Planetary Sciences Guides by Kumar Surendra Publisher: RPH
Cover Price: Rs. 41; Offer Price: Rs. 319/-; Discount: Rs. 96/- (23%)
Prices of the books (and also discounts) are correct at the time of posting this info and may change.
Coaching Institutes offering courses in CSIR-UGC NET:
There are many institutes offering coaching for CSIR-UGC NET, but I would like to recommend Brilliant Tutorials for its past track record. It offers courses in all subjects except earth sciences.
Find more about it from the following link:
Hope above information on Syllabus/Online papers/study materials of CSIR-UGC NET is helpful to you. I would keep on posting more info about CSIR-UGC NET in forthcoming issues. So keep visiting this blog!
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