We provide you the prep materials for IBPS CWE Clerk exam - it at first discusses the exam pattern and than goes on to point you to the online sample papers and prep books for of IBPS CWE Clerk exam. This blog post follows an earlier blog article of mine titled: IBPS Bank Clerk CWE 2012 Notification, Form & Eligibility which tells you what are the eligibility required for appearing in this exam and how to apply for the same.
If you had gone through that post, you must have come to know that this CWE (acronym for Common Written Exam) is being conduced by IBPS for subsequent recruitment process by the 20 Govt. banks. The mark you score in CWE only by itself would not give you the bank job immediately, but these score would be used by the 20 PSU banks to shortlist the candidates for further selection process - which is commonly GD (Group Discussion) & Interview.
IBPS CWE Clerk Exam Pattern:
Common Written Exam (CWE) for clerks conducted by IBPS consists of a 200 question, 200 mark Objective type question paper which has to be answered in 120 minutes (2 hour).
Section-wise distribution of questions and marks can be seen as at right. There is negative marking IN IBPS CWE - 0.25 marks for each wrong answers. So be cautious while making guess answers.
You have to appear in the written exam from a centre in that particular State against the vacancy for which you applied.
Your first study material for the IBPS CWE bank Clerk exam should be the online papers available in various websites. Since you may be having limited time, I searched in the net to find these free online papers for the IBPS Clerk exam. The findings are as follows:
I found that Competition Master is an excellent resource which has good collection of online papers for Bank Clerical exams:
Click here to find an SBI Clerk Exam Test of Reasoning Paper-1.
Click here to find an SBI Clerk Exam Test of Reasoning Paper-2.
Click here to find an SBI Clerk Exam Test of Reasoning Paper-2.
Click here to find an Vijaya Bank Clerk Exam English
Click here to find an SBI Clerk Exam Quantitative section Paper-1.
Click here to find an SBI Clerk Exam Quantitative section Paper-2.
Click here to find an SBI Clerk Exam Quantitative section Paper-1.
Click here to find an SBI Clerk Exam Quantitative section Paper-2.
This booklet provides you GK in banking industry in glance and gives a mock test paper.
Click here to find an bank exam paper on Computer Knowledge from upscportal.

Apart from Competition Master, I also found these websites offering sample papers for Bank Clerical exams:
Allinterview: It gives 130 model questions with answers.
Allexam: It gives 25 SBI Bank Clerk GK model questions with answers.
Upscportal: It gives you 20 Allahabad Bank model questions.
Upscportal: General Awareness sample Question Paper 2008: 40 Q
Edutalkindia: Numerical Ability/Maths samle Paper: 40 Q
Books for IBPS CWE Clerk exam:
While the above on-line Bank Clerical exam papers should be treated as eye-openers, you need to lay more emphasis on the preparatory books for the IBPS Bank Clerk exams. I found following list of books available on the net. My advice is to buy one guide book and one practice work book.

These books are available in most of the bookstores, but you can also order them online by clicking the links below, from Flipkart.com which offers huge discounts upto 50%, apart from free shipping/postage in India if the order exceeds Rs. 100/=. You can choose to pay through Credit Card/Debit Card/Internet Banking. You can also choose to pay through “Cash-on-Delivery” i.e. you pay in cash only when the same is delivered at your doorstep:
Guide Books for IBPS CWE Clerk:
Ultimate Guide For CWE (IBPS)/ SBI Bank Clerk Examination By Disha Experts
List Price: Rs.325, Offer Price: Rs.202, Discount: Rs. 123 (38%)
IBPS: Common Written Examination (CWE) Guide For Clerk Grade By Sachchida Nand Jha Publisher: Upscportal
IBPS: Common Written Examination (CWE) Guide For Clerk Grade By Sachchida Nand Jha Publisher: Upscportal
List Price: Rs.250, Offer Price: Rs.200, Discount: Rs. 50 (20%)
List Price: Rs.310, Offer Price: Rs.248, Discount: Rs. 62 (20%)
IBPS Bank Clerk Solved Papers For CWE by Kiran Prakashan
IBPS Bank Clerk Solved Papers For CWE by Kiran Prakashan
List Price: Rs. 275, Offer Price:Rs. 206, Discount: Rs. 69 (25%)
Practice work Books for IBPS CWE Clerk:
List Price: Rs.235, Offer Price: Rs.188, Discount: Rs. 47 (20%)
List Price: Rs.225, Offer Price: Rs.171, Discount: Rs. 54 (24%)
IBPS Bank Clerical CWE Practice Work Book By Kiran Prakashan
IBPS Bank Clerical CWE Practice Work Book By Kiran Prakashan
List Price: Rs.393,Offer Price: Rs.295, Discount: Rs. 98 (25%)
Hindi Books for IBPS CWE Clerk:
Ultimate Guide For CWE (IBPS)/ SBI Bank Clerk Examination (Hindi) By Disha Experts
List Price: Rs.325, Offer Price: Rs.195, Discount: Rs. 130 (40%)
Lakshya IBPS CWE Bank Clerk Practice Workbook (Hindi) By Disha Experts
List Price: Rs.225,Offer Price: Rs.135, Discount: Rs. 90 (40%)
IBPS Bank Clerical CWE Practice Work Book (Hindi) By Kiran Prakashan
IBPS Bank Clerical CWE Practice Work Book (Hindi) By Kiran Prakashan
List Price: Rs.393, Offer Price: Rs.292, Discount: Rs. 101 (26%)
Hope this blog post answers your all questions on the IBPS CWE for Clerks. I would post more info on this Bank Clerical Exam. So just keep visiting!
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