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This is a biased review. That's because I am one of Drew Canole's fitness transformation clients. Approximately one year ago I hired (at great expense) Drew Canole to coach me through his 90 Day FitLife.TV Transformation Challenge. I was thrilled with the results and he is my go-to source for information on natural health and fitness.

We started off with his Alpha Reset program and a juicing regimen was (still is) an important part of the transformation and now a part of my ongoing lifestyle. I've had amazing health benefits from veggie juices and I never would have tried it on my own had I not met Drew Canole.

But I found myself getting bored of the same juices I was making over and over.

Drew's Juicing Recipes book has been perfect for giving me a lot of ideas and recipes.

I have my kindle app on my iPhone while I'm standing over my juicer deciding which one to make.

I love the fun (sometimes funny) names and the explanation of the health benefits of each juice.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone, even if you already own a lot of juice recipe books. Drew has a delivery style and a passion for juicing that very few people can match. If you haven't watched his videos, you're missing out. He's highly entertaining and educational.

In fact, if you click the Look Inside part of this book (on the picture of the book) you'll see a video on page 2 that you can watch.

Great job with the recipes Drew, keep them coming and thank you for everything

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